PR Nightmare! One of the Dub Dub '18 Dance Moves is Called “We Love ISIS”

PR Nightmare! One of the Dub Dub '18 Dance Moves is Called “We Love ISIS”

Not everyone is feeling the “Dub Dub Luv” this Wildcat Welcome, as New Student and Family Programming has gotten some heat for the Class of 2022 signature dance. Set to “Sad!” by XXXTENTACION, representatives from NSFP stated that they were hoping to “get a little more hip and push some boundaries this year.”

Following seemingly innocent moves called “scoop the ice cream” and “seesaw, seesaw” comes a hand heart dance move followed by a military style salute that the new student and family programming board has dubbed “We Love ISIS”. The controversial move came after NSFP discovered that first years were ditching Wildcat Welcome events to smoke with some rando sophomores in Beta. An anonymous member of the board called the dance “edgy and topical- I’d love to see PWILD or Catalyst compete with this.”

The NSA has now opened up a pending investigation into NSFP and the entire Class of 2022 after Wildcat Welcome posted a tweet of the new class performing the dance move, with the caption “#DUBDUBLUV for ISIS! 😻”

New Student and Family Programming has assured parents that next year’s dance moves will be strictly G-rated, featuring moves such as “We Support NFL Team Owners” and “I Voted for Trump and Regret It Now but Still Think Hillary Would’ve Been a Horrible President”, also known as the “Susan Sarandon” for short.

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