NFL Rules That It Is Okay to Shoot an AR-15 During the National Anthem, as Long as Your Right Hand Is on Your Chest

NFL Rules That It Is Okay to Shoot an AR-15 During the National Anthem, as Long as Your Right Hand Is on Your Chest

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy over the NFL’s new ruling that prohibits players from kneeling during the national anthem.

Specifically, the rule states that each player must remove their helmet, hold their right hand over their heart and stand silently while the anthem plays.

However, this rule definitely leaves some things up for interpretation, leaving players wondering what exactly would be considered wrong to do during the anthem. Because not everything has been specified, the NFL wanted to make the rules even more clear.

For those confused, players will be able to shoot any gun with their left hand, as long as their right hand stays on their heart to salute the flag. And by any gun, they mean any gun. BB? Sure. AR-15?

“Even better,” said NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

In addition, the league explained that silence is mandatory unless players decide to say, “I’d bang the flag for freedom,” in a fit of passion.

While many are furious about the new rules, the NFL states that it is perfectly legal. As long as the gun is obtained legally with a state background check, or without one at any given gun show, players are entitled to express their second amendment right. However, the practice of any player’s first amendment will lead to a well deserved penalty.

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