New CruBike to Peddle Hot Tea, Christianity

New CruBike to Peddle Hot Tea, Christianity

EVANSTON, IL - Saying it would provide students with both warm drinks and the warmth of Christ’s love, members of Northwestern’s Cru unveiled CruBike, a student-run cart that will peddle hot tea and Evangelical Christianity. The mobile conversion unit will allow members of the religious organization to spread God’s Grace across campus with greater ease. 

The idea for bike--expected to arrive on campus next fall--came about when current Cru members Samantha Harrington and Ben “Benji” Jimber noticed students walking briskly past their informational booth. “With the help of the CruBike, we can now chase down our peers and help direct them towards a path of selflessness and compassion,” said Jimber, who built the cart’s wooden exterior by hand, noting that “Jesus was a carpenter before he was our savior.”

The CruBike will feature a water heater for tea in the front of the cart and a small tub in the back for on-the-go baptisms. “Students here are always in a rush, so there’s never enough time for a full-scale sacrament to confess your acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Savior,” admitted Harrington. “Having a portable tub with a sleek design for speedy baptisms--and at no cost to students--that just screams ‘college.’”

Instead of paying with cash or credit cards, students will instead lend their ears and their hearts to the Lord Almighty and bathe in his Eternal love, in addition to providing members of Cru with their phone numbers. All patrons will receive a free communion wafer and wine with each cup of tea, as well as a string of texts inviting them to partake in Cru’s weekly Bible bingo night.

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