A Very Brief Guide to the Oscars: Best Actress Category

A Very Brief Guide to the Oscars: Best Actress Category


Part 3 of Sherman Ave’s last-minute attempt to spread misinformation on all things Oscars in order to emerge victorious in our Oscar pool. Here at Sherman Ave, our love for Jennifer Lawrence has been fairly well-documented. So while Jessica Chastain, Naomi Watts, Emmanuelle Riva, and Quvenzhané Wallis were all okay I guess, no woman can ever compare to the walking exemplar of fierce perfection that is JLaw. So instead of discussing in excruciating detail how those other four actresses could never hope to live up to Jennifer, I thought I'd simply compile the top ten reasons Jennifer Lawrence deserves the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her work in Silver Linings Playbook.

Reason #10 83rd Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals

Reason #9 jlaw2

Reason #8 jlaw3

Reason #7 jlaw4

Reason #6 jlaw5

Reason #5 jlaw6

Reason #4 jlaw7

Reason #3 jlaw10

Reason #2 jlaw9

Reason #1 jlaw8

Jennifer Lawrence is an incredible actor, capable of merging brilliant indie acting chops with big-time popular appeal. She's also really pretty, in case you haven't noticed. For these reasons, and the ones listed above, I strongly believe she should win the Oscar for Best Actress.

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A Very Brief Guide to the Oscars: Best Actor Category

A Very Brief Guide to the Oscars: Best Actor Category