If Every Big 10 School were a Game of Thrones Character

If Every Big 10 School were a Game of Thrones Character


Because we had too much fun with "If Every Big 10 School Were A Parks And Rec Character"

Indiana University is Daenerys Targaryen

Hot women wandering around in the middle of nowhere, and constantly swarmed by men.

University of Iowa is Hodor

They’re big and they don’t say much. Hodor.


University of Michigan is Jaime Lannister

Often viewed as The Golden Boy, and just as often viewed as a little too arrogant for their own good, they're certainly known far and wide. Things haven’t been going as well for them lately, maybe it’s time to start fighting with the other hand.


University of Minnesota: Twin Cities is Ygritte

Minnesota is cold, north of the wall is cold, and no matter how “wild” they are, no one really knows or cares what goes on in either place.


The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is Cersei Lannister

Proud, driven and quick to inflict harsh punishments. We wouldn’t be surprised if they were sleeping with their brother, either.


Northwestern University is Tyrion Lannister

They may not be as big as everyone else (or as attractive), but don’t underestimate the power of their intellect.


The Ohio State University is Joffrey Baratheon

Boy does everyone just love to hate you. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be king, but maybe don’t be such a total dick about it?


Penn State is Brienne of Tarth

Big, powerful and true warriors, yet neither are strangers to being mocked as the butt of everyone else’s jokes.


The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign is Bronn

Quick-witted but often more concerned with getting pussy. They may be mascotless but when they support their team, they support them hard.


Purdue University is Jon Snow

Doesn't have the name recognition as some of its “brothers,” but that doesn't stop Purdue from being a total hottie, er...respectable institution.


Michigan State University is Theon Greyjoy

Ah poor Theon, poor Michigan State. They’re often relegated to “little brother” status and, to use an unfortunate phrasing, get shafted. But hey, just remember that everyone gets their shot at the Iron Throne/Big 10 Title sooner or later.


University of Wisconsin–Madison is Arya Stark

Spunky, brave and kind of badass, much like a Wisconsin badger.


The University of Maryland and Rutgers University are Fred and George Weasley

They know how to have a good time and—wait. Wait, wait, wait. What are they doing here?? Totally out of place.

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