Error in Lab Data Probably Fucking Kyle’s Fault

Error in Lab Data Probably Fucking Kyle’s Fault


3_men_in_Monmouth_College_Chemistry_Lab EVANSTON, Il – Recent speculation rising from the “Results and Discussion” section of a Chemistry 102 lab report has suggested that the error present in the laboratory measurements was almost definitely Kyle’s fucking fault. While deviations of measurements from theory may have been related to miscalibration of mass balances or imperfect setup of the experiment, it was determined that the chances of Kyle not having something to do with that are slim to none.

The following is an excerpt from the report:

Based on the comparison of experimental results to theoretical predictions there was found to be 12.4% error in our collected data. This can likely be attributed to Kyle taking mass measurements without fucking zero-ing the scale, or Kyle pipetting our goddamn reflux product into the centrifuge vial before the reaction had gone to completion. Additionally, a degree of the inaccuracy can often be attributed to human error in such experiments, especially when you have a dumbfuck like Kyle as your lab partner.

Reporters on the scene confirmed that seriously there was no way that all the idiotic shit Kyle pulled throughout the course this lab did not seriously fuck with the final results.

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