Two Students Standing Right in Front of Fucking Doorway Having Great Fucking Conversation

Two Students Standing Right in Front of Fucking Doorway Having Great Fucking Conversation


At 10:58 this morning, Weinberg students Kyle Dunn and Sarah McCoy were seen right in front of the northernmost entrance to Kresge having just a fantastic fucking conversation.

The pair, talking about how great their Spanish professor is or some shit, appeared to be having the fucking time of their lives, all while blocking multiple students on their way to their 11 AM classes.

“She’s just so inspirational! She makes me want to learn!” said McCoy of her professor while three or four students awkwardly stood there waiting for the pair to fucking move.

Communications student Ryan Anderson was one of the students delayed on his way to class. He was forced to use another fucking door to get into the building due to the Dunn and McCoy’s fucking unawareness of their goddamn surroundings.

According to Anderson, they were standing about two fucking feet apart, leaving too goddamn small a space between them to walk through and not enough fucking room to walk behind either of them.

Anderson was three minutes late to class.

The pair was eventually broken up at 11:05 AM when Weinberg student Nicholas Keller, running late to his class, burst right through the duo and through the entryway. Immediately after, Dunn reportedly muttered to McCoy, “Wow. Rude.”

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