Top Places to Hang Out with Your High School Friends over Winter Break

Top Places to Hang Out with Your High School Friends over Winter Break


It’s finally winter break -- a chance to relax, finish up the new Netflix series you weren’t supposed to start watching until after finals week, and reunite with old high school friends. You haven’t seen these guys in less than a month, so it’s important that you spend the valuable time you have together doing a variety of fun bonding activities that will give you plenty of time to catch up with one another on the exciting events that surrounded your reading and finals weeks. Here are a few of the places that may help along the bromancing (or homancing).

1) CVS/Walgreens. Because what better way to bond than buying feminine hygene products with your closest high school buddies? Plus you can use your newly issued ID to exercise your rights as an adult and buy cough syrup. What a blast.

2) The gym. Because, let’s face it, the only things you really did the last two weeks were eat and watch Netflix. Plus, bringing along a friend can help ease the pain that comes from not having gone to the gym in two weeks. Or twelve. Let’s face it you haven’t been to the gym since OHMYGOSH that’s what my feet look like!?

3) Domino's. To remind you that no matter how far apart you may be, awful pizza exists everywhere. Even in New York.

4) The library. Because…nostalgia. You were probably a total loser in high school (you’re reading Sherman Ave in your spare time, so there’s no need to beat around the bush), so don’t try to deny that this is where you spent most all of your time in high school….and where you should have spent more time in college.

5) That parking lot outside the gas station. Because…procured nostalgia. This is where you like to think you spent most of your time in high school. But, you were too busy at the library to spend your time at cool and totally-not-sketchy places like this.

6) The-kid-whose-parents-didn’t-care’s basement. Maybe they worked a lot? Maybe they spent a lot of time at their peid-a-terre in New York? Maybe they were just very heavy sleepers? You don’t really care. You’re there to get schwasty (because that’s what you called it) and act like your parents don’t know how much time you spend shitfaced. If there’s one thing you know from your time at college, this is the ultimate way to spend quality time with your closest amigos (because who really speaks English in the presence of alcohol?)

Extra points if you hit up your best friend’s older brother to buy you alcohol. If he asks you why respond with an absurd and passé hashtag sentiment like #yolo!

--Zelda Fistgerald

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