SAE Brothers Relieved to Hear Supreme Court is Still a Potential Career Path

SAE Brothers Relieved to Hear Supreme Court is Still a Potential Career Path

Sources say they could hear a pin drop in the SAE house last week, as the entire fraternity watched the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing play out on live television. The brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon connected with Kavanaugh when the the accusations of his debauchery in college first surfaced. Junior member of SAE, Chad Huntington, was the one to bring Brett’s story to the house’s attention. “It’s so hard to be a man nowadays, it’s like I can’t even talk to a girl at a party without worrying about rumors of nasty allegations the next day. And right as we finally get back on campus, this like super important dude has the same thing happen to him. I mean he likes beer, and we love beer so much that we got kicked of campus for serving alcohol. But some of the brothers are still bummed about the past year, so I just had to share his story”.

The SAE house was on edge as Dr. Ford delivered her testimony early in the day, but the mood quickly shifted once Kavanaugh made his appearance. “It was so dope seeing our boy Brett stand up to those colluding against him. And hearing about Trump supporting him the next day was super validating, just like when we were allowed to move back on campus this year. All these people are trying to ruin Brett and our lives, and it’s nice to see the underdog win a few”, added Nathaniel Armstrong, the president of the fraternity. Some members of SAE expressed concerns they had before the hearing. Many were anxious that they were going to have to fall back on safety careers, such as being a “simple surgeon or a CEO of some noname company”.

After SAE was suspended from campus last year for serving alcohol, among sexual assault allegations, many members of the chapter were concerned about their association with the organization tarnishing their reputations among potential employers. Armstrong, a double econ and LOC major, was especially worried about his prospects after college. “I mean, my father went to law school, as did my grandfather. For a while I was a little nervous about being the president of this fraternity affecting my chances of ever attending law school. But now, I’m not even worried. I mean, I actually don’t even want to study law, or like be on the Supreme Court or whatever, but it’s always nice to have that option in the cards for us you know?”.

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