Is he into you?

hot-guy-day-douglas-booth--large-msg-132632425137A lot of girls have trouble telling whether or not a guy is into them. Fortunately for you ladies I have devised a thorough list of questions that will determine whether or not he is into you.  So think hard, and no cheating! Do you periodically make eye contact at unexpected times?

-Think about when you’re eating together or in a group conversation.  Sometimes even a brief glance is a tremendous tell!

Does he go to great lengths to remember small details about you?

-If he consistently remembers small things like your dog’s name or what your favorite ice cream is then that is DEFINITELY a sign.

Does he offer to help you whenever you need it?

-No matter where you are he is ALWAYS there.

Does he often comment on your appearance?

- Sometimes he might just grunt at you, but that still counts!

Is he in the background of all your photos?

-Look back at the photos you’ve taken this year. If he’s really into you then he’ll be standing in the background of all your photos--usually wearing a trench coat.

Does he sometimes wear the outfit you wore yesterday?

If he’s really into you sometimes he’ll just throw on that cute dress or skirt you wore yesterday.  How spontaneous!

Does he send you cryptic notes?

-Cutting letters is often used.

Does he keep multiple pictures of you in his room? 

-Family photos count!

Does he go to OSU?

- If he doesn’t know which countries constitute North America you can be sure!

Is he clinically insane? 

-Talks to himself, twitches, doesn’t blink…you know the drill!

If you answered “yes” to 8/10 questions then he wants to kill you. So grab mum, hole up, have a cup of tea, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.


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